Yachtclub Sorpesee e.V.

Address : Zum Sporpedamm 8
City : Sundern Langscheid
Postcode : 59846
Country : Germany
Web : https://www.yachtclub-sorpesee.de
Email : bruchiserlohn@aol.com
Phone : 01717731048
2024 04. 05 Blasebalgregatta 2024
2024 15. 06 Sorpepreis 2024
2024 29. 06 Frida Cup/ Ladies Cup 2024
2024 07. 09 Herbst Cup 2024
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Yachtclub Sorpesee e.V..

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Yachtclub Sorpesee e.V.
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
Authorized Representatives Michael Nettelhoff, Hartwig Hiestermann
Executive Committee Members Michael Nettelhoff, Hartwig Hiestermann, André Rüßmann, Guido Bruch, Mainhard Bruch, Axel Möllenbeck
Registration Court Amtgericht Arnsberg
Registration Number 265
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